Serving Florence, Darlington, Dillon, Chesterfield, and Marlboro Counties
Carolina Elementary School GNC
STEP ONE: Read the Statement of Faith and Worker's Compliance Agreement - God's Word tells us in Amos, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" We want you to know what our core beliefs are and how we all agree to work in unity. You are welcome to download and/or print these documents but it is not required. You will NOT need to sign or submit. As you complete the online application/background screening process you will be asked if you read and agree with the documents. Click on the "1" button.
Brockington Elementary School (Timmonsville) GNC
Lester Elementary School GNC
STEP THREE: Gather some information for the online application - You will need your Driver's License and Social Security numbers. Click on the "3" button to get started!
REMINDER: Please note that you will be asked in the online application if you have read/reviewed these items and are in agreement with them. As you read/review, should a question arise, please contact your local CEF office BEFORE proceeding.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Working with children, you should be aware of child protection laws within South Carolina. For details on South Carolina Children's Code click here. For additional information on recognizing and reporting suspected child abuse or neglect, click here.
STEP TWO: Read and Review the Child Protection Policy - Click on the "2" button to read our Child Protection Policy, then watch the video below. Please be sure your volume is turned up. If for some reason the video does not play properly you may listen to the presentation by calling 1-866-878-4182. You will be asked in the online application/background screening process if you have reviewed and agree to abide by the Policy.
Thank you for joining us to reach the children in the Heart of the Palmetto Chapter with the Good News. In today's society child abuse and child accusations are occurring daily. Therefore it is important that Child Evangelism Fellowship takes steps to protect the children to whom we minister and protect our workers. All volunteers and paid workers are required to undergo a national criminal background check and complete a volunteer application process in accordance with Child Evangelism Fellowship's Child Protection Policy Volunteer Application process.
We are thankful that you feel led to join in the mission to share the Gospel and God's Word with children. Before you begin the application/background screening process, here are a few things for you to prepare in 3 simple steps;
Copyright © CEF of SC, Inc.
Heart of the Palmetto Chapter. All rights reserved.